The Situation

DFID initiated an innovative market based programme to support low-cost private schools using a Making Markets Work for the Poor approach, aimed at creating an enabling environment for private schools and a more effective market for them to offer better quality education. This programme aimed to improve education outcomes for 380,000-430,000 children, 50% of which are girls, increase enrolment at low cost private schools, and to improve the understanding of how to stimulate sustainable improvements in urban, pluralist education systems.

The Solution

Africa PPP Advisory was recruited as Transaction Advisors, tasked with advising on PPPs.

DFID recruited Africa PPP Advisory, alongside Mott MacDonald to act as a Panel of Experts to provide advice, suggestions and support for the project. This involved commenting and making suggestions on the research agenda and the overall shape of the programme, as well as advising on any other aspect on the project that DFID required.

Our Assistance

We contributed to the design phase of this 5 year DFID programme through our role on the Panel of experts. We also established the conditions needed to create an enabling environment and regulatory framework, with a focus on the rules, information, finance and other services needed to deliver sustainable improvements in the education system using the ‘Making Markets work for the Poor’ framework to provide low cost education across Nigeria.